化粪池模具清理周期过长果断都会对模具有影响,因此周期时间的确定要合理化,多取3~9个月,而酸性发酵阶段的酸性发酵期为3个月,酸性减退期为5个月左右,综合考虑清理周期不宜少于12个月。水泥化粪池模具主要截留含虫卵较多的粪便,粪便经发酵分解,松散的粪块因发酵膨胀而浮升,比重大的下沉,因而形成上浮的粪皮,中层的粪液和下沉的粪渣。铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件利用寄生虫的比重大于粪尿混合液的原理使其自然沉降于化粪池底部。利用粪液的浸泡和翻动化解粪块使其液化并截留粪渣于池底。
If the cleaning cycle of septic tank mold is too long, it will affect the mold. Therefore, the determination of cycle time should be reasonable, taking more than 3 ~ 9 months, while the acid fermentation period in the acid fermentation stage is 3 months and the acid decline period is about 5 months. Considering that the cleaning cycle should not be less than 12 months. The mold of the cement septic tank mainly intercepts the feces containing more insect eggs. After fermentation and decomposition, the loose feces will float due to fermentation expansion and sink significantly, resulting in floating fecal skin, fecal liquid in the middle layer and sinking fecal residue. The parasite naturally settles at the bottom of the septic tank based on the principle that the specific gravity of parasite is greater than that of feces and urine mixture. Use the soaking and turning of fecal liquid to dissolve the fecal block, liquefy it and intercept the fecal residue at the bottom of the tank.