化粪池(huàfènchí)是处理粪便并加以过滤沉淀的设备。其原理是固化物在池底分解,上层的水化物体,进入管道流走,防止了管道堵塞,给固化物体(粪便等垃圾)有充足的时间水解。化粪池(septic tank)指的是将生活污水分格沉淀,及对污泥进行厌氧消化的小型处理构筑物。 [1]
Septic tank (HU) à f è nch í) It is a kind of equipment to deal with feces and filter them. The principle is that the solidified substance decomposes at the bottom of the pool, and the hydrated substance in the upper layer flows away into the pipeline, so as to prevent the pipeline from blocking and give the solidified substance (feces and other garbage) sufficient time for hydrolysis. Septic tank is a kind of small-scale treatment structure, which is used to separate domestic sewage for sedimentation and anaerobic digestion of sludge[ 1]
Working principle and function
Function of septic tank
Septic tank is not only the basic sludge treatment facility, but also the pretreatment facility of domestic sewage
1. To ensure the environmental sanitation of the living community and avoid the spread of domestic sewage and pollutants in the living environment.
2. In the working environment of anaerobic septic tank, the eggs of mosquitoes and flies were killed.
3、临时性储存污泥,有机污泥进行厌氧腐化铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件,熟化的有机污泥可作为农用肥料。
3. Temporary storage of sludge, anaerobic decomposition of organic sludge, mature organic sludge can be used as agricultural fertilizer.
4. The pretreatment of domestic sewage (primary treatment) can precipitate impurities and hydrolyze macromolecular organics into acids, alcohols and other small molecular organics to improve the subsequent sewage treatment.